Rainbow Wallpaper & Wall Murals

Kids Elephant with Watercolor Rainbow Wallpaper Mural
$3.72/ft² $40.00/m²
Kids Landmark Buildings Wallpaper Mural
$3.72/ft² $40.00/m²
Kids Watercolor Sky and Rainbow Wallpaper Mural
$3.72/ft² $40.00/m²

3 Items

     A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicolored circular arc. The rainbows form a complete circle, but the sun must not have risen more than 40 degrees above the horizon to see the rainbow. Therefore, when viewed from the ground surface, the rainbows appear in the form of a half-circle. But when you look from the top of a high mountain or a plane flying high, you can see a rainbow in the form of a circle. There is no one in the world who doesn't like the rainbow. It is an uncommon natural phenomenon, and when we see it, we welcome it with excitement. One of the easiest ways to bring the rainbow to your home, which preferred in children's rooms or bedrooms, is undoubtedly the walls. We offer you our collection of Rainbow Wallpaper & Wall Murals with inspiration from nature.

     We know the place of colors in our lives and their influence on our daily lives. Who wants a colorless life? Colors stimulate us and raise our energy. The rainbow consisting of the rain meets the sun, and all the colors it creates makes us feel excited and happy. At the same time, the colors we use reflect our character traits and give us serenity. Each color has its characteristics — the feeling it creates changes depending on the place of use and the amount of use. But the enthusiasm of the rainbow never changes. Sometimes changing a single wall is enough to change the entire texture and character of the room. Our collection of Rainbow Wallpaper & Wall Murals that you prefer in-home decoration in bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, especially in children's rooms, will bring excitement, happiness, and lots of laughter to your home.

     When decorating home, we sometimes hesitate to choose the color. By making a single-color home decoration, we will also stop the changes that we will make later. For this, you can decorate your home with colorful home decor ideas. This ideas give you a living space where you will not be bored easily and are open to new changes. With our collection of rainbow wallpapers, you can bring the rainbow into your home, and when you add a few accessories that match those colors, the whole mood of your home changes. Especially through the rainbow wallpaper you use in the children's room, you can go traveling with your child and go to find treasure under the rainbow. Our Rainbow Wallpaper & Wall Murals collection will bring a new story to your home every day — happy colors for a happy house. 

    Our wallpapers are carefully prepared and made available to you. After delivery, you can see how high the quality of our products. Because every single product we have developed has improved its quality to match you and your needs. You can use our wallpaper murals consisting of 100% environment-friendly materials and Green Guard certified inks, which are easy to apply, and it’s removable and re-usable. Take a look at our collection now and choose what you like with the best price. Free and fast shipping will be waiting for you. Take note of measurements before shopping. We always make sure you are facing the best result.
     Firstly our designers prepare our collections carefully and step by step and then the second part is production. Our production is made by state of the art machinery and by skilled operators.Finally, the quality control of the prepared products doing twice, and your product is coming towards you!
     Finally, paper options; Non-Woven Wallpaper does not apply to rough surfaces, and it is movable. Non-woven is a plain matte paper, and it requires adhesive because it isn't self-adhesive. Material weight is 150 gr/sqm, and install is moderate to use. Textile Wallpaper does apply to rough surfaces, and it is movable. Textile wallpaper is a light textured wallpaper, and it requires adhesive because it isn't self-adhesive. Material weight is 280gr/sqm, and install moderate to use, and Self-Adhesive Textile Wallpaper does apply to rough surfaces, and it is movable. The peel and stick textile wallpaper is a light textured wallpaper. And it does not require extra glue because it is self-adhesive. Material weight is 300gr/sqm, and install easy to use.  

From Customers

@Garrette Turner